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An Optimized Propagation Model based on Measurement Data for Indoor Environments, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2018, nr 2


Sandoval, Francisco ; Morocho-Yaguana, Marco ; Ludeňa-González, Patricia ; Poma-Vélez, Betty ; Erreyes-Dota, Alexandra

Subject and Keywords:

radio propagation ; path loss modeling ; indoor ; propagation models ; one-slope model ; loss measurement ; ITU model ; log-distance model ; propagation measurement


Propagation is an essential factor ensuring good coverage of wireless communications systems. Propagation models are used to predict losses in the path between transmitter and receiver nodes. They are usually defined for general conditions. Therefore, their results are not always adapted to the behavior of real signals in a specific environment. The main goal of this work is to propose a new model adjusting the loss coefficients based on empirical data, which can be applied in an indoor university campus environment. The Oneslope, Log-distance and ITU models are described to provide a mathematical base. An extensive measurement campaign is performed based on a strict methodology considering different cases in typical indoor scenarios. New loss parameter values are defined to adjust the mathematical model to the behavior of real signals in the campus environment. The experimental results show that the model proposed offers an attenuation average error of 2.5% with respect to the losses measured. In addition, comparison of the proposed model with existing solutions shows that it decreases the average error significantly for all scenarios under evaluation.


National Institute of Telecommunications


2018, nr 2

Resource Type:




Resource Identifier:

ISSN 1509-4553, on-line: ISSN 1899-8852


Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology



Rights Management:

Biblioteka Naukowa Instytutu Łączności



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