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Using of Golden Code Orthogonal Super-Symbol in Media-Based Modulation for Single-Input Multiple-Output Schemes, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2022, nr 2


Bamisaye, Ayodeji James ; Quazi, Tahmid

Subject and Keywords:

media-based modulation ; SIMO ; radio RF mirrors ; golden code


The media-based modulation (MBM) scheme is capable of providing high throughput, increasing spectrum efficiency, and enhancing bit error rate (BER) performance of communication systems. In this paper, an MBM employing radio frequency (RF) mirrors and golden code is investigated in a single-input multiple-output (GC-SIMO) application. The aim is to reduce complexity of the system, maximize linear relationships between RF mirrors and improve spectral efficiency of MBM to in order to obtain a high data rate with the use of less hardware. Orthogonal pairs of the super-symbol in the GC scheme’s encoder are employed, transmitted via different RF mirrors at different time slots in order to achieve the full data rate and high diversity. In the results having BER of 10−5 , the GC-SIMO, MBM exhibits better performance than GD-SIMO, with the gain of approximately 7 dB and 6.5 dB SNR for 4 b/s/Hz and 6 b/s/Hz, respectively. The derived theoretical average error probability of the proposed scheme is validated with the use of the Monte Carlo simulation


Instytut Łączności - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy


2022, nr 2

Resource Type:




Resource Identifier:

ISSN 1509-4553, on-line: ISSN 1899-8852


Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology



Rights Management:

Biblioteka Naukowa Instytutu Łączności



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