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Harms, Janelle ; Malhotra, Baljeet ; Nikolaidis, Ioanis
2008, nr 1
Vehicle tracking is one of the important applications of wireless sensor networks. We consider an aspect of tracking: the classification of targets based on the acoustic signals produced by vehicles. In this paper, we present a naıve classifier and simple distributed schemes for vehicle classification based on the features extracted from the acoustic signals. We demonstrate a novel way of using Aura matrices to create a new feature derived from the power spectral density (PSD) of a signal, which performs at par with other existing features. To benefit from the distributed environment of the sensor networks we also propose efficient dynamic acoustic features that are low on dimension, yet effective for classification. An experimental study has been conducted using real acoustic signals of different vehicles in an urban setting. Our proposed schemes using a na¨ıve classifier achieved highly accurate results in classifying different vehicles into two classes. Communication and computational costs were also computed to capture their trade-off with the classification quality.
Instytut Łączności - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy, Warszawa
Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology
Biblioteka Naukowa Instytutu Łączności
5 sie 2024
5 sty 2010
Stachowiak, Krzysztof Piechowiak, Maciej Bartczak, Tomasz
Bronk, Krzysztof Lipka, Adam Wereszko, Błażej Żurek, Jerzy Żurek, Krzysztof
Reddy, Kummathi Chenna M. N., Thippeswamy Devanagavi Geetha D.
Kaur Pardeep Kochhar Aarti Singh Preeti Sharma Sukesha
Yamazaki, Taku Yamamoto, Ryo Tanaka, Yoshiaki Okamura, Yasushi Nishibu, Seira
Agarkhed, Jayashree Dattatraya, Patil Yogita Patil, Siddarama
Kumar, Gaurav Ranga, Virender
Felkner, Anna
Styl cytowania: Chicago ISO690 Chicago
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