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Bogucki, Jan ; Wielowieyska, Ewa
2006, nr 1
The modern radio transmission systems are specifically designed for catching principally two main objectives: on one side to provide a radio solution for long distance where large configurations are required to fulfill the high capacity transmissions needs, on the other side to guarantee link quality as high as possible. The availability of a radio-relay system is dependent upon many factors and particularly upon: the reliability of equipment and propagation conditions. The article describes the wave propagation and equipment that determine the performance of a radio-relay path. National Institute of Telecommunications (NIT) carried out research on propagation phenomena on terrestrial path and exemplary results are described herewith. The availability of radio equipment based on the mean time between failures for equipment modules is presented too.
Instytut Łączności - Państwowy Instytut Badawczy, Warszawa
Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology
Biblioteka Naukowa Instytutu Łączności
Jun 19, 2024
Feb 23, 2010
Bogucki, Jan Wielowieyska, Ewa
Bogucki, Jan Wielowieyska, Ewa Jarkowski, Jacek
Craveirinha, Jose Violante, Artur Gomes, Teresa
Kowalewski, Marian Kobus, Ryszard Sędek, Tomasz
Balestra, Francis
Citation style: Chicago ISO690 Chicago
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